Web 3.0

Web 3.0

Web 3.0 is the nextstage of the internet. Let’s take a look at what it is and how it could allowusers to regain control from the centralised organisations that dominate theinternet and profit from users’ data.

What is Web 1.0?

Before we discuss Web 3.0,it’s necessary to have an understanding of Web 1.0. During the firstphase of the internet, users were passive consumers of web content.Using Web 1.0 involved reading rather than creating or writing.

What is Web 2.0?

Web 2.0 involved greateruser interaction, socialisation, and collaboration. Users began to createcontent on social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, andInstagram. However, by creating content, users gave up their sensitiveinformation.

What is Web 3.0?

Originally calledthe Semantic Web, Web 3 is a more open, autonomous andintelligent internet. It will aim to not only precisely interpret what youinput but actually understand it.

It is made possible bydecentralised networks, which ensures no single party hascontrol. Web 3.0 offers a new means for people to use theinternet without sacrificing their privacy.

There are a fewearly-stage Web 3 applications (like Apple’s Siri) thatalready exist but until the new internet is fully established their potentialcannot be fully realised.

Web 3.0 will aim toprocess information with near-human intelligence through the use ofAI systems and smart programmes.  It will make the internet accessible toeveryone, anywhere, at all times with new types of smart devices.

Some people alsocall Web 3 the Spatial Web as it aims to blur thelines between the physical and virtual through 3D virtual worlds.

Why is it important?

Web 3 aims tosolve Web 2.0’s main issue: the control of centralised organisations’over the internet and their collection of users’ sensitive information. Itis open, trustless, and permissionless.

Web 3.0’s network iscompletely decentralised, so no single organisation has control over it.And, the decentralised apps or dApps that are built on the network are open.This means that no party can limit access to the internet or control the datashared on it.

On Web 3.0, money isnative and permissionless, so users will no longer need to rely on traditionalfinancial systems that are linked to governments. Web 3.0 offers instant,global access to money.

The future 

As Web 3.0 willbe based on decentralised protocols- the foundation of crypto technology- wewill likely see a strong relationship between these technologies. It willenable smart contracts to power transactions, file storage and sharing.

There are already a hostof Web 3.0 dApps available through which you can trade crypto,and play games. However, until Web 3.0 is fully integrated, itsfull potential cannot be realised.